The $OTTO Token

At Ottochain, our tokenomics model is designed to reward active contributors, foster community growth, and promote decentralization. With $OTTO, our native token, you become an essential part of the Ottochain ecosystem, participating in governance and shaping the future of web3.
Join us as we redefine blockchain and empower communities worldwide with Ottochain!

Learn More About $OTTO Token Here

$OTTO Token Distribution

With a focus on building an ecosystem that thrives on collaboration, OTTO Token is poised to redefine the way we approach decentralized technologies. This distribution strategy underscores our commitment to creating value for all stakeholders while ensuring the sustainability and growth of the OTTO Token ecosystem.

Airdrop Distribution

The airdrop will be conducted with transparency and fairness, ensuring that each participant receives their allocated share of OTTO Tokens.
Stay tuned for further details on how to participate in the OTTO Token Airdrop and join us on our journey toward a more decentralized and connected future.

Vesting Schedules

To prevent immediate selling and promote long-term commitment, $OTTO tokens have the following vesting schedule that will be gradually released to  holders over a predetermined period.